


年轻,开始,小 & 老农民

When you think of youth programs in agriculture, the names that usually come to mind are FFA and 4-H.  These two nationally recognized 组织s remain top of the list when it comes to building future leaders in agriculture. 

当前农业领域的领导者 can attest their success due to an established foundation of the skills and knowledge needed to work in the agricultural industry.  Every industry requires a certain skill set and agriculture is no different.  The skills and knowledge base that rise to the top tend to be about interpersonal skills, 适应性, 时间管理, 组织, 还要精通技术.  Leaders in agriculture can credit their success to an established foundation of the skills and knowledge needed to work in the industry.  话虽如此, it is important for our future leaders in agriculture to gain solid skill sets while they are young and FFA and 4-H are built to do just that!

那么他们是怎么做到的呢? 首先,重要的是要了解 各机构的基础 是什么让他们如此成功.


FFA代表美国未来农民.  该组织的正式名称是全国FFA组织.  FFA是由一群年轻的农民在1928年创立的.  Their original mission was to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. 

今天,FFA的成员都以这句座右铭为座右铭 “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live and Living to Serve.”  They accomplish this by becoming involved in agricultural experiences, 领导活动, 明智的资源管理知识, 以及人际交往能力的发展, 品格与公民权.


4-H represents the four leaves of the clover:  Head, Heart, Hands and Heath.  4-H的概念始于19世纪后期. 研究人员发现年轻人, 与农业社区的成年人相比, 对新思想更开放, 实验和新想法, 并且倾向于与成年人分享他们的经历.  This spurred the development of 4-H Clubs and connection to the Cooperative Extension System.

今天,4-H成员的座右铭是生活 “把最好的变得更好.”  4-H扶轮社的承诺是:  “我发誓要更清晰地思考, 我的心要更忠诚, by hands to larger service and my health to better living for my club, 我的社区, 我的国家, 我的世界.”  They accomplish this by becoming involved in hands-on experiential learning opportunities that promote life skill development.  实践经验侧重于一个或多个H.  (管理, 思考), 心(涉及, 关怀), 手(给, 工作), 健康(生活), 被).

了解每个组织的基础非常重要 when looking at how they each prepare our future leaders in agriculture.  Both offer unique experiences for members and many youth belong to both 组织s. 

体育彩票外围平台把这两个组织作为一个整体来看时,体育彩票外围平台可以说 they are both top notch youth programs building our future agricultural leaders!  The skills and knowledge base gained through their involvement reach far beyond the foundation of interpersonal skills, 适应性, 时间管理, 组织, 还要精通技术.  以下是他们的一些做法:


Youth involved in these programs participate in hands on experiences.  从展示牲畜到骑马等等.  Youth learn valuable knowledge and skill when they raise their own livestock for show and/or sale or horse for riding competitions.  他们学会了责任 因为他们会照顾动物的日常生活.  他们学习记录保存技巧和组织 as they record feed intake, supply expenses, veterinarian care, etc.  Youth often get experience with the tools and technology used in the industry.  From cattle-working chutes to hooking up trailers and giving vaccines and de-wormers.  Hands on projects provide youth with real world experiences that help to teach them the ins and outs of what it takes.


4-H and FFA members are able to expand their involvement by trying new things.  这两个项目都提供了大量的活动 会员有机会尝试新事物.  成员往往有他们最感兴趣的顶级项目, 但他们也可以注册并尝试新事物.  For example, youth members can become part of their programs leadership councils or groups.  这些机会给了年轻人一个机会 试着在公共演讲、计划和决策方面动手.  When youth are given these opportunities, they are provided the chance to 培养他们的人际交往能力 并改进它们.


这两个项目都提供了广泛的竞争机会.  给年轻人一个推动自己前进的机会 a goal develops dedication, 适应性, self-discipline, goal setting and character.  大多数比赛要求完成一个项目记录簿.  不仅年轻人在比赛中受到评判, they are also judged on their record keeping and overall understanding of the time and expense associated with their chosen project.  许多比赛都是计时的.  The skill of 时间管理 comes in handy when given only a set timeframe to complete a task to the best of their ability and in the safest way possible.


学会回馈 建立同情和关心他人.  社区参与是这两个组织的重要组成部分.  Youth get involved in service activities assisting fellow 组织s within their communities. They often have bake sales or other fund raisers to assist local efforts.  They will donate their time assisting with the care and keeping of farm animals at local rescue farms.  Older youth members often assist younger members with their projects 成为他们的导师和榜样. 

无论一个青年成员的项目,这些都是强大的 youth programs are set up to provide youth with valuable skill building opportunities with real-world appliaction.  Youth participating in 4-H and FFA year after year build on their foundation of skills, 随着时间的推移越来越好. 

Today’s leaders in agriculture can contribute their success to being involved in 4-H and/or FFA.  Often times they each have their story and set of experiences that brought them to the work they are currently doing in the agriculture industry.  4-H and FFA continue to provide today’s youth with priceless opportunities that help them to gain interest in the industry of agriculture.  Projects and program involvement widen their range of knowledge and skill in many areas. 

To be prepared for a future in the industry of agriculture can be dependent on a strong foundation of knowledge, 技能与经验.  4-H and FFA have been and will continue to be the top leaders in producing our future agricultural leaders. 

你有关于FFA或4-H的故事要分享吗?  How did your experience in the program shape you and your involvement in agriculture?
