

客户特征:Scott & 丽贝卡·拉姆齐(温代尔花园)



年轻,开始,小 & 老农民

Scott and Rebecca (Becky) Ramsey identified a need in their community and combined that need with their joint passion for science and healthy food systems to create Wyndale Gardens, 阿宾顿的鱼菜共生工厂, VA. Aquaponics is the combination of two farming practices: hydroponics (growing plants without soil) and aquaculture (raising fish). 该操作的主要功能是种植绿色黄油生菜, 拉姆齐家族卖给批发客户的东西, 包括当地的食品城杂货店, 还有当地的学区.


大流行期间, the Ramsey family was living in Colorado and realized being at the tail-end of the food chain without much understanding of their food system was not a particularly advantageous position to be in. “It was very scary for us to watch our grocery store shelves depleted overnight,” Scott remembered. “We didn’t know where our food came from and we didn’t have one green thumb between the two of us, but we started researching different farming methods and ended up buying a home hydroponic system, 只是为了在室内种植体育彩票外围平台自己的食物,他分享道. 然后, one thing led to another… They learned about aquaponics and did more research into best practices. 他们雇了一个顾问, 参观了几个商业农场, 制定了一个商业计划,最终买下了他们34英亩的农场, 名叫温德尔花园, 在阿宾顿, 2022年的VA. Scott Ramsey is a native of Abingdon and it was always his dream to move back to the area with his family. 


Sustainability and being good stewards of the land are at the heart of the mission of Wyndale Gardens. The Ramseys were able to revamp and reuse the three greenhouses that were already on the property to accommodate their aquaponics production, 他们还有很多其他可持续发展的做法, 也. 去年夏天, Scott and Becky worked with Virginia Tech to develop food safety practices and become Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certified. 


斯科特和贝基经营青尼罗河罗非鱼作为水产养殖系统的一部分, 它们能够将鱼乳剂转化为植物的营养物质, 消除了对合成肥料的需求. The Ramseys also reuse the waste that comes out of their filtration systems as fertilizer that goes back into the grow beds, 也给农场的干草施肥. 鱼需要水温保持在82度左右, 所以他们必须全年加热水. 他们最近买了一个柴火锅炉, which provides a heating source for both the water in their six fish tanks and the air in their three greenhouses. 拉姆齐一家从邻居那里得到柴火废料, 萨德和卡米尔·芬尼, 谁拥有景观美化和锯木厂的生意, so they are able to heat the facilities at Wyndale Gardens for a very low cost.

The process of growing the butter lettuce begins with Scott planting organic seeds into biodegradable growth foam cubes, 或者“种植立方体”,在那里,种子需要大约两天的时间发芽. 一旦植物发芽, 它们在生长灯下生长大约两周, 这样就有足够的时间形成根球了. 从那里, 植物被移入种植床, 它们会在那里再待四周,直到成熟. 从播种到收获大约需要6周的时间. 2022年原系统支持1个,每个月200棵,现在已经能收获4棵了,每月种植1000棵生菜. 


除了鱼菜共生操作, 拉姆齐一家有一个鸡笼, from which they sell fresh eggs; an on-site apiary, where they harvest their own honey; and host farm stays to support agritourism through Harvest Hosts. 最近, they formed a partnership with Sweetbay Brewing Company 在阿宾顿 where the brewery purchased honey from the Ramseys and hops from another local farmer, with plans to produce a Summer Saison that will hit the taproom this summer. The Ramseys have also partnered with Abingdon Olive Oil Company to develop a specially blended salad dressing that pairs well with the butter lettuce they produce.

Through a connection made at the local farmers’ market with Dave Cheek of River Mountain Farms, 拉姆齐一家见到了布里斯托尔的学校营养主任, 维吉尼亚州的学校, who was able to connect them with other school nutrition directors in the area. They learned more about the farm to school program where the USDA provides funding for school systems to acquire produce from local growers, 并将这些食物纳入学校系统. 在他们体育彩票正规app下载的学区之间(总共22所学校), 拉姆齐家的莴苣提供大约10个,每天000顿饭. The Ramseys find the most rewarding aspect of their business to be providing a nutritious and delicious product (the butter lettuce) to their community and the local schoolchildren. Their motivation lies in knowing that they are having a significant impact on their community through what they are able to produce on their farm. 

关于他们与弗吉尼亚农场信贷公司的关系, 贝基共享, “体育彩票外围平台与Farm Credit建立了良好的合作关系, from the moment we closed on our loan to relocating here just seven days later. 体育彩票外围平台的信贷员, 蒂娜(帕克特), met us out at the property and it was fantastic to get to know her off the bat.” Scott continued, “Farm Credit was the linchpin to getting this all started. 回到阿宾顿一直是我的梦想, 我出生的地方, 在这里养家糊口——而农业信贷真的让体育彩票外围平台实现了这一切.” 

温代尔花园的未来是光明的. 斯科特和贝基计划在这块土地上建造一个传粉者栖息地, which will allow them to sustain the bees in their apiary with natural forage. 它将美化土地,帮助防止侵蚀,改善土壤质量. They also plan to build a high tunnel specifically for growing produce for educational purposes and sharing their knowledge with community members. 现在, 他们正在享受完善他们的操作, 管理障碍, fostering relationships to support new market opportunities and raising their youngest daughter on the farm.


作为最初的生产者, Scott and Becky have the following advice to others looking to get started in agriculture:

  • Develop strong goals and know what you would like to accomplish then persevere through the challenges as they come.
  • 在你的社区中建立关系. Learn who may be doing something similar to you and find out where you might be able to combine forces to have an impact on your community.
  • Become friends with your loan officer – it’s very important to have a strong, trusting relationship and available credit to be able to grow your business. 
  • Don’t discount certain markets just because you might think they aren’t a good fit. 作为新鲜农产品的生产者, we thought the farmers; market/CSA route would be our market, 但体育彩票外围平台进入了批发市场, 哪一个更有利可图.
  • 充分利用任何提供给你的教育机会. 听取建议和不同的观点从来都不是一件坏事. 体育彩票外围平台参加了农业信贷知识中心过渡计划晚宴, 这让体育彩票外围平台对未来有了很多思考, 尽管体育彩票外围平台的行动才进行到第二年.
  • It was also a great opportunity to network with and learn from other producers who are further into their farming journey.

这篇专题报道发表在2024年6月的《体育彩票外围平台》杂志上. 获取完整杂志(电子版) 在这里.
